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Dr. Krewski is currently Professor of Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology and Community Medicine at the University of Ottawa, where he is involved in a number of activities in population health risk assessment within the new Institute of Population Health. Dr. Krewski has also served as Adjunct Research Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Carleton University since 1984.
Prior to joining the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa in 1998, Dr. Krewski was Director, Risk Management in the Health Protection Branch of Health Canada. Dr. Krewski joined the Health Protection Branch of Health Canada in 1972, and has extensive experience with a wide variety of health protection issues, particularly in relation to food safety and environmental health. While with Health Canada, he also served as Director of the Bureau of Chemical Hazards and as Chief of the Biostatistics Division in the Environmental Health Directorate.
Dr. Krewski obtained his Ph.D. in statistics from Carleton University and subsequently completed an M.H.A. at the University of Ottawa. His professional interests include epidemiology, biostatistics, risk assessment, and risk management. Dr. Krewski is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and the Society for Risk Analysis. Dr. Krewski has contributed to over 300 publications in the scientific and technical literature, and is author or editor of five books. He is currently an Associate Editor of Risk Analysis, Risk Abstracts, and the Journal of Epidemiology and Biostatistics.
Dr. Krewski has been a member of a number of expert panels on health risk assessment, including committees established by the American Health Foundation, the International Life Sciences Institute, the the International Programme on Chemical Safety. From 1992 to 1996, Dr. Krewski served as the Canadian representative on the Scientific Council of the International Agency for Research on Cancer. He currently serves as a member of the Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology within the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and has recently been appointed Chair of the Royal Society of Canada's Expert Panel on the Potential Health Risks of Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields from Wireless Telecommunications Devices.
Papers in Refereed Journals:
1. Abrahamowicz, M., Schopflocher, T., Krewski, D., Leffondre, K., du Berger, R. Flexible modeling of the exposure-response relationship between long-term exposure to average levels of particulate air pollution and mortality in the American Cancer Society study. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 2003.
2. Abrahamowicz, M., du Berger, R., Krewski, D., Burnett, R., Bartlett, G., Tamblyn, R.M., Leffondre, K. Bias due to aggregation of individual covariates in the Cox regression model. American Journal of Epidemiology, in press 2003.
3. Brodsky, L.M., Habash, R.W.Y., Leiss, W., Krewski, D., Repacholi,M. Electromagnetic fields and status of health risk part III: risk analysis. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, in press 2003.
4. Burnett, R.T., Dewanji, A., Dominici, F., Goldberg, M.S., Cohen, A.C., Krewski, D. On the relationship between time series studies, dynamic population studies, and estimating life lost to exposure to environmental hazards. Environmental Health Perspectives, in press 2003.
5. Cakmak, S., Burnett, R., Jerrett, M., Goldberg, M.S., Pope, A., Ma, R., Krewski, D. Spatial regression models for large cohort studies linking community air pollution and health. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 2003.
6. Chen, Y., Dales, R., Tang, M., Krewski, D. Association between income adequacy and asthma in Canadians. 2003.
7. Coyle, D., Stieb, D., Krewski, D., Burnett, R., Chen, Y., DeCivita, P., Thun, M. Impact of particulate air pollution on quality adjusted life expectancy. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 2003.
8. Fung, K.Y., Krewski, D., Burnett, R.T., Dominici, F. Testing the harvesting hypothesis by time domain log-linear regression analysis. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 2003.
9. Fung, K.Y., Krewski, D., Chen, Y., Burnett, R., Cakmak, S. Comparison of time series and case-crossover analyses of air pollution and hospital admission data. International Journal of Epidemiology, in press 2003.
10. Garner, M.J., Birkett, N., Johnson, K.C., Ghadirian, P., Shatenstein, B., Krewski, D., Canadian Cancer Registries Research Group. Dietary risk factors for testicular cancer. International Journal of Cancer. 2003.
11. Ghadirian, P., Lynch, J.T., Krewski, D. Epidemiology of pancreatic cancer: An overview. Cancer Prevention and Control. 2003.
12. Habash, R.W.Y., Brodsky, L.M., Liess, W., Krewski, D., Repacholi, M. Electromagnetic fields and status of health risk part I: evaluation and assessment of electric and magnetic fields. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, in press 2003.
13. Habash, R.W.Y., Brodsky, L.M., Leiss, W., Krewski, D., Repacholi,M. Electromagnetic fields and status of health risk part II: evaluation and assessment of radiofrequency radiation. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, in press 2003.
14. Institute of Medicine. Preterm birth and its consequences. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press. 2003.
15. Jardine, C.G., Hrudey, S.E., Shortreed, J.H., Krewski, D., Furgal, C., Craig, L. A review of risk management frameworks for human health and environmental risks. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 2003.
16. Jerrett, M., Burnett, R.T., Goldberg, M.S., Sears, M., Krewski, D., Catalin, R. Spatial analysis for environmental health research: concepts, methods and examples. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, in press 2003.
17. Jerrett, M., Burnett, R.T., Willis, A., Krewski, D., Goldberg, M.S., DeLuca, P., Finkelstein, N. Spatial analysis of the air pollution-mortality relationship in the context of ecologic confounders. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, in press 2003.
18. Krewski, D., Burnett, R.T., Goldberg, M.S., Siemiatycki, J., Jerrett, M., Hoover, K., Abrahamowicz, M. Rejoinder: Reanalysis of the Harvard six-cites study and American Cancer Society study of particulate air pollution and mortality. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 2003
19. Krewski, D., Burnett, R.T., Goldberg, M.S., Hoover, K., Siemiatycki, J., Jerrett, M., Abrahamowicz, M, White, W.H.. Reanalysis of the Harvard Six-Cites Study and the American Cancer Society study of Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality, Part II: Sensitivity Analysis. 129-130. 2000. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Health Effects Institute. A Special Report of the Institute's Particle Epidemiology Reanalysis Project.
20. Krewski, D., Lubin, J.H., Zielinski, J.M., Alavanja, M., Catalan, V.S., Field, R.W., Klotz, J.B., Letourneau, E.G., Lynch, C.F., Lyon, J.L., Sandler, D.P., Schoenberg, J.B., Steck, D.J., Stolwijk, J.A., Weinberg, C., Wilcox, H.B. Risk of lung cancer in North America associated with residential radon. New England Journal of Medicine, in press 2003.
21. Krewski, D., Wang,Y., Bartlett, S., Krishnan, K. Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses of physio-logical pharmacokinetic models for volatile organic compounds. Toxicology Letters, in press 2003.
22. Krewski, D., Dewanji, A., Wang, Y., Bartlett, S., Zielinski, J.M., Mallick, R. The effect of record linkage errors on estimates of risk in cohort mortality studies. Survey Methodology. 2003
23. Krewski, D., Balbus, J., Butler-Jones, D., Haas, C., Isaac-Renton, J., Roberts, K., Sinclair, M. Managing the microbiological risks of drinking water. Institute for Risk Research, Waterloo. 2003
24. Krewski, D., Mallick, R., Zielinski, J.M., Letourneau, E.G. Modeling seasonal variation in indoor radon concentrations. Journal of Environmental Epidemiology and Exposure Analysis, in press 2003.
25. Krewski, D., Bakshi, K., Garrett, R., Falke, E., Rusch, G., Gaylor, D. Methodology for developing acute exposure guideline levels (AEGLs) for airborne exposures to hazardous substances. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2003
26. Krewski, D., Hogan, V., Birkwood, P., McDowell, I., Losos, J. An integrated framework for risk management and population health. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2003
27. Krewski, D., Lubin, J.H., Zielinski, J.M., Alavanja, M., Catalan, V.S., Field, R.W., Letourneau, E.G., Lynch, C.F., Lyon, J.L., Sandler, D.P., Schoenberg, J.B., Steck, D.J., Stolwijk, J.A., Weinberg, C., Wilcox, H.B. A combined analysis of North American case-control studies of residential radon and lung cancer. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, in press 2003.
28. Krewski, D., Byus, C., Glickman, B.W., Lotz, W.G., Mandeville, R., McBride, M., Prato, F.S., Weaver, D.F. Recent advances in radio-frequency fields and health. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 2003
29. Krewski, D., Burnett, R., Goldberg, M.S., Hoover, K., Siemiatycki, J., Jerrett, M., Abrahamowicz, M., White, W.H. Overview of the re-analysis of the Harvard six-cities study and American Cancer Society study of particulate air pollution and mortality. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 2003
30. Krewski, D., Zielinski, J.M., Hazelton, W.D., Moolgavkar, S.H., Garner, M. The use of bio-logically based cancer risk models in radiation epidemiology. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2003
31. Leroux, B.G., Krewski, D., Wei, L.J. Rank tests for increased tumour incidence rates in carcinogenicity experiments. Biometrics, in press 2003. 32. Lin, M. The effect of gaseous pollution on asthma hospitalization among children living in rich and poor Vancouver areas. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2003
33. Lin, M., Chen, Y., Burnett, R.T., Villeneuve, P.J., Krewski, D. Effect of short-term exposure to gaseous pollution on asthma hospitalization in children: a bi-directional case-crossover analysis. Journal of Community Health and Epidemiology, 57, 50-55. 2003
34. Liu, S., Krewski, D., Shi, Y., Chen, Y., Burnett, R.T. Association between gaseous ambient air pollutants and adverse pregnancy outcomes in Vancouver, Canada. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2003
35. Ma, R., Burnett, R.T., Krewski, D. Random effects Cox models: A Poisson regression modelling approach. Biometrika, in press 2003.
36. Mallick, R., Fung, K., Krewski, D. Adjusting for measurement error in the Cox proportional hazards regression model. 383, 1-25. Ottawa, Laboratory for Research in Statistics and Probability, Carleton University. 2003
37. Mallick, R., Fung, K., Krewski, D. Adjusting for measurement error in the Cox proportional hazards regression model. Journal of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, 7, in press 2003.
38. Maynard, R., Krewski, D., Burnett, R.T., Samet, J., Brook, J.E., Granville, G., Craig, L. Health and air quality: Directions for policy-relevant research. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 2003
39. Pope, C.A., Burnett, R.T., Thurston, G.D., Thun, M.J., Calle, E.E., Krishnan, K., Godleski, J.J. Cardiovascular mortality and long-term exposure to particulate air pollution: Epidemiological evidence of general pathophysiological pathways of disease. Circulation, in press 2003.
40. Raizenne, M., Edwards, B., Beveridge, B., Dockery, D., Krewski, D., O'Connor, G., Speizer, F. Combined maximal and partial expiratory flow spirometric lung function measurement in adolescents. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2003.
41. Ramsay, T., Burnett, R.T., Krewski, D. Exploring bias in a generalized additive model for spatial air pollution data. Environmental Health Perspectives, 111, in press 2003.
42. Ramsay, T., Burnett, R.T., Krewski, D. The effect of concurvity in generalized additive models linking mortality to ambient particulate matter (with discussion). Epidemiology, 14, 18-23. 2003.
43. Salehi, F., Krewski, D., Carrier, G., Normandin, L., Kennedy, G., Philippe, S., Zayed, J. Bioaccumulation and neurobehavioural effects in male Sprague-Dawley rats following subchronic inhalation exposure to a manganese phosphate/sulfate mixture. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, in press 2003.
44. Siemiatycki, J., Krewski, D., Goldberg, M.S., Nadon, L., Lakhani, R., Shi, Y. Controlling for potential confounding by occupational exposures. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 2003.
45. Tang, M., Chen, Y., Krewski, D. Gender-related differences in the association between socioeconomic status and self-reported diabetes. International Journal of Epidemiology, 32, 381-385. 2003
46. Villeneuve, P.J., Burnett, R.T., Shi, Y., Krewski, D., Goldberg, M.S., Hertzman, C., Chen, Y., Brook, J. A time series study of air pollution, socioeconomic status, and mortality in Vancouver, Canada. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, in press 2003.
47. Wang, Q., Leroux, B.G., Krewski, D. Trend tests for overdispersed count data with historical controls. Journal of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, in press 2003.
48. Willis, A.J., Jerrett, M., Krewski, D., Burnett, R. The association between sulfate air pollution and mortality at the county scale. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 2003
49. Yang, Q., Chen, Y., Shi, Y., Krewski, D., McGrail, K., Burnett, R.T. Association between ambient air particle pollution and first hospitalization for respiratory disease in children less than 3 years of age. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2003.
50. Yang, Q., Chen, Y., Krewski, D., Shi, Y., Burnett, R.T., McGrail, K. Association between ozone and respiratory admissions for asthma among children and the elderly in Vancouver, Canada. Inhalation Toxicology. 2003.
51. Zielinski, J.M., Garner, M.J., Krewski, D., Ashmore, J.P., Band, P.R., Fair, M.E., Jiang, H., Letourneau, E.G., Semenciw, R., Sont, W.N. Occupational exposure of medical workers to ionizing radiation in Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2003.
52. Zielinski, J.M., Krewski, D., Garner, M. Occupational exposure of dental workers to radiation in Canada. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. 2003.
53. Zielinski, J.M., Garner, M.J., Krewski, D., Ashmore, J.P., Band, P.R., Fair, M.E., Jiang, H., Letourneau, E.G., Semenciw, R., Sont, W.N. Occupational exposure of dental workers to ionizing radiation in Canada. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. 2003
54. Brand, K.P., Krewski, D., Zielinski, J.M. Residential radon
in Canada: An uncertainty analysis of population and individual lung cancer
risk. Health Physics. 2002.
55. Chen, Y., Dales, R., Tang, M., Krewski, D. Chen et al. respond to "Obesity
and asthma". American Journal of Epidemiology, 155, 201-202. 2002.
56. Chen, Y., Dales, R., Tang, M., Krewski, D. Obesity in women but not in men may increase the incidence of asthma: Longitudinal observations from the Canadian National Population Health Surveys. American Journal of Epidemiology 155:191-197, 2002.
57. Cohen, J.T., Carlson, G., Charnley, G., Coggon, D., Delzell, E., Graham, J.D., Greim, H., Krewski, D., Medinsky, M., Monson, R., Paustenbach, D., Petersen, B., Rappaport, S., Rhomberg, L., Ryan, P.B., Thompson, K. A comprehensive evaluation of the potential health risks associated with occupational and environmental exposure to styrene. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health B5:1-263, 2002
58. Crump, K.S., Krewski, D., Zielinski, J.M., Duport, P., Moolgavkar, S.H. A meta-analysis of evidence for hormesis in radiation carcinogenesis bioassays. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, in press, 2002
59. Duport, P., Krewski, D., Zielinski,J.M., Jiang,H., & Moolgavkar,S.H. Database of radiogenic cancer in mammals exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, in press (2002).
60. Hazelton, W.D., Zielinski, J.M., Ashmore, J.P., Krewski, D., Moolgavkar, S.H. Analysis of male lung cancer incidence attributable to low dose, low LET gamma and tritium exposures in the Canadian National Dose Registry cohort. Radiation Resarch, in press, 2002
61. Hughes, E., Ma, R., Krewski, D., Burnett, R.T. Computational algorithm for a Poisson modelling approach to random effects Cox models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 2002
62. Krewski, D., Lubin, J.H., Zielinski, J.M., Alavanja, M., Catalan, V.S., Field, R.W., Klotz, J. B., Letourneau, E.G., Lynch, C.F., Lyon, J.L., Sandler, D.P., Schoenberg, J.B., Steck, D.J., Stolwijk, J.A., Weinberg, C., Wilcox, H.B. A combined analysis of North American case-control studies of residential radon and lung cancer: An update (with discussion). Radiation Research, 158, 785-790. 2002
63. Krewski, D., Lubin, H., Samet, J.M., Hopke, P.K., James, A.C., Brand, K.P. Projection of Residential Radon Lung Cancer Risks: The BEIR VI Risk Models. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 102, 371-373. 2002
64. Krewski, D., Balbus, J., Butler-Jones, D., Haas, C., Isaac-Renton, J., Roberts, K., Sinclair, M. Managing health risks from drinking water: A report to the Walkerton Inquiry. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 65, 1635-1823. 2002
65. Krewski, D., Fung, K.Y., Smythe, R.T. Optimal experimental designs for estimating the benchmark dose in developmental toxicity studies. Risk Analysis, 22, 1195-1205. 2002
66. Krewski, D., Wang, Q., Smythe, R.T. Optimal experimental designs for the Ames Salmonella/ microsome assay. Biometrics, in press, 2002
67. Krewski, D., Balbus, J., Butler-Jones, D., Haas, C., Isaac-Renton, J., Roberts, K., Sinclair, M. Managing Health Risks from Drinking Water. S. Protti. Commissioned Paper 7, 1-258. 2002. Toronto, Ontario Ministry of the Attorney-General. Ref Type: Report
68. Krewski, D., Brand, K.P., Burnett, R.T. Zielinski, J.M. Simplicity versus complexity in the development of risk models for dose-response assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 8, 1355-1374.
69. Lin, M., Chen, Y., Burnett, R.T., Villeneuve, P., Krewski, D. The influence of ambient coarse particulate matter on hospitalization in children: case-crossover and time series analyses. Environmental Health Perspectives 110:575-581, 2002
70. National Research Council. Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for Selected Airborne Contaminants, Volume 2. 1-276. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press. 2002
71. Pope, A., Burnett, R.T., Thun, M.J., Calle, E.E., Krewski, D., Ito, K., Thurston, G.D. Lung cancer, cardiopulmonary mortality and long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution. Journal of the American Medical Association 287:1132-1141, 2002
72. Rai, S.N., Bartlett, S., Krewski, D., Paterson, J. The use of probabilistic risk assessment in establishing drinking water quality objectives. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 8, 493-509. 2002
73. Spiegel, J.M., Krewski, D. Using willingness to pay to evaluate the effectiveness of Canada's residential radon exposure guideline. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 93, 223-228. 2002
74. Villeneuve, P.J., Goldberg, M.S., Krewski, D., Burnett, R.T., Chen,Y. Fine particulate air pollution and all-cause mortality within the Harvard Six-citie Study: Variations in risk by period of exposure. Annals of Epidemiology, 12, 568-576. 2002
75. Zeise, L., Hattis, D., Andersen, M., Bailar, A.J., Bayard, S., Chen, C., Clewell, H., Crump, K., Dunson, D., Finkel, A., Haber, L., Jarabek, A.M., Kodell, R., Krewski, D., Thomas, D., Thorslund, T., Wassel, J.T. Improving risk assessment: Research opportunities in dose response modeling to improve risk assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 8, 1421-1444. 2002
76. A Dictionary of Epidemiology, Oxford Univeristy Press, Oxford. 2001
77. Encylopedia of Public Health, Macmillan Reference, New York. 2001
78. Bakshi, K.S., Krewski, D. Introduction to the special issue (on Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for Selected Airborne Chemicals, Volume 1). Inhalation Toxicology, 13, iii-iv. 2001
79. Bakshi, K.S., Krewski, D. Acute Exposure Guidelines for Selected Airborne Chemicals, Volume 1. Inhalation Toxicology 13 [Supplement 1], 1-144. 2001.
80. Band, P.R., Le, N.D., Fang, R., Astrakianakis, G., Bert, J., Keefe, A., Krewski, D. Cohort cancer incidence study of pulp and paper mill workers in British Columbia, Canada. Scandavian Journal of Workplace and Environmental Health, 27, 113-119. 2001
81. Brodsky, L., Leiss, W., Krewski, D., Repacholi, M. Perception and communicaiton of potential health risks from electromagnetic fields. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, in press, 2001
82. Band, P.R., Le, N.D., Fang, R., Astrakianakis, G., Bert, J., Keefe, A., Krewski, D. Cohort cancer incidence study of pulp and paper mill workers in British Columbia, Canada. Scandinavian Journal of Workplace and Environmental Health 27:113-119, 2001
83. Burnett, R.T., Ma, R., Jerrett, M., Goldberg, M.S., Cakmak, S., Pope, A., Krewski, D. The spatial association between community air pollution and mortality: A new method of analyzing correlated geographic cohort data. Environmental Health Perspectives 109:375-380, 2001
84. Burnett, R.T., Smith-Doiron, M., Stieb, D., Raizenne, M.E., Brook, J.E., Dales, R.E., Leech, J.A., Cakmak, S., Krewski, D. Association between ozone and hospitalization for acute respiratory diseases in children less than 2 years of age. American Journal of Epidemiology 153:444-452, 2001
85. Burnett, R.T., Ma, R., Jerrett, M., Goldberg, M.S., Cakmak, S., Pope, A. Krewski, D. The spatial association between community air pollution and mortality: A new method of analyzing correlated geographic cohort data. Environmental Health Perspectives, 109, 375-380. 2001
86. Chen, Y., Tang, M., Krewski, D., Dales, R. Association between asthma prevalence and income among Canadians. Journal of the American Medical Association, 286, 919-920. 2001
87. Chen, Y., Dales, R., Krewski, D. Leisure-time activity energy expenditure in asthmatics and non-asthmatics. Respiratory Medicine 95:13-18, 2001
88. Chen Y, Dales R, Krewski, D. Asthma and the risk of hospitalization in Canada: The role of socioeconomic and demographic factors. Chest 119:708-713, 2001
89. Greenbaum, D.S., Bachmann, J.D., Krewski, D., Samet, J.M., White, R., Wyzga, R.E. Particulate air pollution standards and morbidity and mortality: Case study. American Journal of Epidemiology 154:78S-90S, 2001
90. Krewski, D., Mallick, R., Zielinski, J.M., Letourneau, E. Modeling seasonal variation in indoor radon concentrations. Technical Report No. 352, 1-31. Ottawa, Laboratory for Research in Statistics and Probability, Carleton University. 2001
91. Krewski, D., Wang, Y., Bartlett, S., Zielinski, J.M., Mallick, R. The effect of record linkage errors on statistical inference in cohort mortality studies. pp. 1-13. Statistics Canada, Ottawa. 2001
92. Krewski, D., Byus, C., Glickman, B.W., Lotz, W.G., Mandeville, R., McBride, M., Prato, F.S., Weaver, D.F. Potential health risks of radiofrequency fields from wireless telecommunications devices. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health B4:1-143, 2001
93. Krewski, D., Byus, C., Glickman, B.W., Lotz, W.G., Mandeville, R., McBride, M., Prato, F.S., Weaver, D.F. Recent advances in research on radiofrequency fields and health. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health B4:145-159, 2001
94. Krewski, D., Bakshi, K.S. Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for Selected Airborne Contaminants, Volume 1. Inhalation Toxicology 13 (Supplement 1), 1-144. 2001
95. Krewski, D., Burnett, R.T., Goldberg, M.S., Hoover, K., Siemiatycki, J., Abrahamowicz, M., White, W.H. Validation and replication of the Harvard six cities study of particulate air pollution and mortality. New England Journal of Medicine, in press, 2001
96. Krewski, D. Risk communication and public health (P. Bennett & K. Calman, Eds). Annals of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. 2001
97. Krewski, D., Burnett, R.T., Goldbert, M.S., Siemiatycki, J., Hoover, K., Abrahamowicz, M., White, W.H. Overview of the reanalysis of the Harvard six cities study and American Cancer Society study of particulate air pollution and mortality. Pp. 1-41. Pennwell, Birmingham, U.K. 2001
98. Landrigan, P.J., Mattison, D.R., Boardman, B., Bruckner, J.V., Jackson, R.J., Karol, M.H., Krewski, D., Weil, W.B. Comments on "Children's Health, Susceptibility, and Regulatory Approaches to Reducing Risk from Chemical Carcinogens". Environmental Health Perspectives, 109, 5-6. 2001
99. National Research Council. Research Priorities for Airborne Particulate Matter III. Early Research Progress. 2001. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press.
100. National Research Council. Standing Operating Procedures for Developing Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for Hazardous Chemicals. 2001. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press.
101. National Research Council. Grand Challenges in Environmental Sciences. 2001. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press
102. Smythe, R.T., Bickis, M.G., Krewski, D., Fung, K.Y. Efficiency of experimental designs for comparing two treatments with correlated binary responses. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 99:151-173, 2001
103. Sont, W.N., Zielinski, J.M., Ashmore, J.P., Jiang, H., Krewski, D., Fair, M.E., Band, P., Letourneau, E. First analysis of cancer incidence and occupational radiation exposure based on the National Dose Registry of Canada. American Journal of Epidemiology 153:309-318, 2001
104. Sont, W.N., Zielinski, J.M., Ashmore, J.P., Jiang, H., Krewski, D., Fair, M.E., Band, P.R., Letourneau, E.G. Sont et al. respond to "Studies of workers exposed to low doses of radiation". American Journal of Epidemiology 153:323-324, 2001
105. Zielinski, J.M., Kodell, R,L,, Krewski, D. Interaction between two carcinogens in the two-stage clonal expansion model. Journal of Epidemiology and Biostatistics 6:219-228, 2001
106. Andersen, M.E., Krewski, D. Biologically based risk assessment model for cycophosphamide toxicity in animal species: concluding comments. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 61:543-552, 2000
107. Burnett, R.T., Brook, J., Dann, T., Delocia, C., Philips, O., Cakmak, S., Vincent, R., Goldbert, M.S., Krewski, D. Association between particulate and gas phase components of urban air pollution and daily mortality in eight Canadian cities. Inhalation Toxicology, 12 (supplement), 15-39. 2000
108. Ghadirian, P., Maisonneuve, P., Perret, C., Kennedy, G., Boyle, P., Krewski, D., Lacroix, A. A case-control study of toenail selenium and cancer of the breast, colon, prostate. Cancer Detection and Prevention 24:305-313, 2000
109. Krewski, D. The use of biologically based risk models in cancer risk assessment. Radiation Research 154:716-717, 2000
110. Krewski, D. Discussion: Temporal effects in radiation epidemiology.
Radiation Research 154:730-731, 2000
111. Krewski, D., Henry, C. Introduction of the hematoxicity modelling workshop.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 61:499-500, 2000
112. Krewski, D., Burnett, R.T., Goldberg, M.S., Hoover, K., Siemiatycki, J., Abrahamowicz, M., White, W.H. Reanalysis of the Harvard Six Cities Study and the American Cancer Society Study of Particuolate Air Pollution and Mortality, Part I. Replication and Validation. 39-128. 2000. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Health Effects Institute. A Special Report of the Institute's Particle Epidemiology Reanalysis Project.
113. Krewski, D., Smythe, R., Fund, K.Y. Optimal designs for estimating the benchmark dose in developmental toxicity experiments. Tech. Report #339, 2000. Laboratory for Research in Statistics and Probability, Carleton University, Ottawa.
114. Krewski, D., Snyder, R., Beatty, P., Granville, G., Meek, B., Sonowane, B. Assessing the health risks of benzene: A report on the benzene state-of-the-science workshop. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 61:307-338, 2000
115. Krewski, D., Snyder, R. Special Issue on Benzene. Journal of toxicology and Environmental Health, 61 [5-6], 305-552. 2000
116. Rai, S.N., Matthews, D.E., Krewski, D. Mixed scale models for survival/sacrifice experiments. Canadian Journal of Statistics 28:65-80, 2000
117. Krewski, D., Byus, C., Glickman, B., Lotz, G., Mandeville, R., Prato, F., Weaver, D. Recent advances in radiofrequency fields and health. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. In press, 2000.
118. Andersen, M.E., Krewski, D. Biologically based risk assessment model for cycophosphamide toxicity in animal species. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 61:543-552.
119. Bangsi, D., Ghadirian, P., Ducic, S., Ciccocioppo, S., McMullen, E., Krewski, D. Dental amalgam and multiple sclerosis: a case-control study in Montreal, Canada. International Journal of Epidemiology. In press, 2000.
120. Burnett, R.T., Smith-Doiron, M., Stieb, D., Raizenne, M.E., Brook, J.E., Dales, R.E., Leech, J.A., Krewski, D. The association between summertime ozone and hospitalization for respiratory problems in infants in Toronto, Canada. American Journal of Epidemiology. In press, 2000.
121. Chen, Y., Dales, R., Krewski, D. Does physical activity explain the relation between obesity and asthma? American Journal of Epidemiology. In press, 2000.
122. Ghadirian, P., Maissoneuve, P., Perret, C., Kennedy, G., Lacroix, A., Boyle, P., Krewski, D. A case-control study of toenail selenium and cancer of the breast, colon, prostate. Cancer Prevention and Detection 24:305-313, 2000.
123. Krewski, D. Temporal effects in radiation epidemiology. Radiation Research. In press, 2000.
124. Krewski, D. The use of biologically based risk models in cancer risk assessment. Radiation Research. In press 2000.
125. Krewski,D., Synder, R., Beatty, P., Granville, G., Meek, B., Sonawane, B. Assessing the health risks of benzene: A report on the benzene state-of-the-science workshop. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 61:307-338, 2000.
126. Rai, S.N., Matthews, D.E., Krewski, D. Mixed scale models for survival/sacrifice experiments. Canadian Journal of Statistics. 28:65-80, 2000.
127. Sont, W., Zielinski, J.M., Ashmore, J.P. Jiang, H., Krewski,D., Fair, M.E., Band, P., Letourneau, E. First analysis of cancer incidence and occupational radiation exposure based on the National Dose Registry of Canada. American Journal of Epidemiology. In press, 2000.
128. Cakmak, S., Burnett, R.T., Krewski, D. Methods for detecting and estimating population thresholds for air pollution-related mortality with exposure measurement error. Risk Analysis. 19:487-496, 1999.
129. Chen, Y., Dales, R., Krewski, D., Breithaupt, K. Increased effects of smoking and obesity on asthma among female Canadians: The National Population Health Survey (NPHS) 1994-95. American Journal of Epidemiology. 150, 255-262, 1999.
130. Crump, K.S., Krewski, D., Vanlandingham, C. Estimates of the proportion of chemicals that were carcinogenic or anti-carcinogenic in bioassays conducted by the National Toxicology Program. Environmental Health Perspectives. 107:83-88, 1999.
131. Crump, K.S., Krewski, D., Vanlandingham, C. Estimates of the proportion of carcinogens and anticarcinogens conducted by the National Toxicology Program: Application of a new meta-analytic approach. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 895:232-244, 1999.
132. Dewanji, A., Goddard, M.J., Krewski, D., Moolgavkar, S.H. Two stage model for carcinogenesis: Analysis of longitudinal data on the number and size of premalignant clones. Mathematical Biosciences. 15:1-12, 1999.
133. Krewski, D., Giddings, M., Paterson, J. Health risks from drinking water in Canada: Perceptions, assessment, and management. Balancing Risks and Reason: Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Drinking Water, pp. 13-31. Canadian Water and Wastewater Association, Ottawa, Ontario, 1999.
134. Krewski, D., Lubin, J.H., Samet, J., Douple, E., Zielinski, J.M. Radon and lung cancer: an overview of the BEIR VI report. Pp. 15-25. International Centre for Low Dose Radiation Research, University of Ottawa, Ottawa. 1999
135. Fung, K.Y., Krewski, D. On measurement error adjustment methods in Poisson regression. Environmentrics. 10:213-244, 1999.
136. Fung, K.Y., Krewski, D. Evaluation of quasi-likelihood, regression calibration, and SIMEX methods in logistic regression when one of the predictors is subject to additive measurement error. Journal of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 4:65-74, 1999
137. Krewski, D., Cardis, E., Zeise, L., Feron, V.J. Empirical approaches to risk estimation and prediction. Quantitative Estimation and Prediction of Human Cancer Risks (ed. by S.H. Moolgavkar, D. Krewski, L. Zeise, E. Cardis, and H. Moller), pp. 131-178. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon 1999.
138. Gaylor, D.W., Kodell, R.L., Chen, J.J., Krewski, D. A unified approach to risk assessment for cancer and noncancer endpoints based on benchmark doses and uncertainty/safety factors. Inhalation Toxicology. 11:575-578, 1999.
139. Gaylor, D.W., Kodell, R.L., Chen, J.J., Krewski, D. A unified approach to risk assessment for cancer and noncancer endpoints based on benchmark doses and uncertainty/safety factors. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 29:151-157, 1999.
140. Krewski, D., Henderson, R.F., Bakshi, K. Current trends in toxicological risk assessment. Inhalation Toxicology. 11:459-476, 1999.
141. Krewski, D., Rai, S.N., Zielinski, J.M., Hopke, P.K. Characterization of uncertainty and variability in residential radon cancer risks. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 895:245-272, 1999.
142. Krewski, D., Zhu, Y., Fung, K. Benchmark doses for developmental toxicants. Inhalation Toxicology. 11:579-571, 1999.
143. Moolgavkar, S.H., Krewski, D., Schwarz, M. Mechanisms of carcinogenesis and biologically based models for the estimation and prediction of risk. Quantitative Estimation and Prediction of Human Cancer Risks (ed. by S.H. Moolgavkar, D. Krewski, L. Zeise, E. Cardis, H. Moller) International gency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, 1999.
144. Moolgavkar, S.H., Woodward, A., Krewski, D., Cardis, E., Zeise, L. Future perspectives, unresolved issues and research needs. Quantitative Estimation and Prediction of Human Cancer Risks (ed. by S.H. Moolgavkar, D. Krewski, L. Zeise, E. Cardis, H. Moller) International gency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, 1999.
145. National Research Council. Health Effects of Exposure to Radon: BEIR VI. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press. 1999
146. Royal Society of Canada. A Review of the Potential Healath Effects of Radiofrequency Fields from Wireless Telecommunications Devices. Ottawa, Royal Society of Canada. 1999
147. National Research Council. Research Priorities for Airborne Particulate Matter II: Evaluating Research Progress and Updating the Portfolio. 1-111. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press. 1999
148. Ashmore, J.P., Krewski, D., Zielinksi, J.M., Jiang, H., Semenciw, R., Letourneau, E.G. First analysis of occupational radiation mortality based on the National Dose Registry of Canada. American Journal of Epidemiology. 148:564-574, 1998.
149. Burnett, R.T., Brook, J.E., Philips, O., Cakmak, S., Raizenne, M. Stieb, D., Vincent, R., Ozkanyak, H., Krewski, D. The association between ambient concentrations of carbon monoxide and daily mortality in Toronto, Canada. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. 48:689-700, 1998.
150. Krewski, D. Risk management in Health Canada. Pp. 13-15. Canadian Medical Association, Ottawa. 1998
151. Cakmak, S., Burnett, R., Krewski, D. Adjusting for temporal variation in the analysis of parallel time series of health and environmental data. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology. 8:129-144, 1998.
152. Catalin, V.S., Krewski, D., Zielinski, J.M. Analysis of combined primary data from residential radon studies in North America. Radiation Research. 151:104-105, 1998.
153. Crump, K.S., Krewski, D. Estimation of the number of studies with positive trends when studies with negative trends are present. Canadian Journal of Statistics. 26:643-655, 1998.
154. Crump, K.S., Krewski, D., Wang, Y. Estimates of the number of liver carcinogens in bioassays conducted by the National Toxicology Program. Risk Analysis. 18:299-308, 1998.
155. Fung, K.Y., Douglas, G.R., Krewski, D. Statistical analysis of lacZ mutant frequency data from Muta-Mouse mutagenicity assays. Mutagenesis. 13:249-255, 1998.
156. Fung, K.Y., Marro, L., Krewski, D. A comparison of methods for estimating the benchmark dose in developmental toxicity studies. Risk Analysis. 18:329-342, 1998.
157. Fung, K.Y., Lin, X., Krewski, D. The use of generalized linear mixed models in analyzing mutant frequency data from the transgenic mouse assay. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. 31:48-54, 1998.
158. Gaylor, D.W., Ryan, L., Krewski, D., Zhu,Y. Procedures for calculating benchmark doses for health risk assessment. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 28:150-164, 1998.
159. Gaylor, D.W., Moolgavkar, S.H., Krewski, D., Goldstein, L. Recent bioassay results on coal tars for benzo(a)pyrene: Implications for risk assessment. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 28:178-179, 1998.
160. Gerin, M., Siemiatycki, J., Desy, M., Krewski, D. Associations between several sites of cancer and occupational exposure to benene, toluene, xylene and styrene: results of a case-control study in Montreal. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 34:144-156, 1998.
161. Krewski, D. Can epidemiologists and radiobiologists help each other? Radiation Research. 151:98-99, 1998.
162. Burnett, R.T., Jessiman, B., Stieb, D., Krewski, D. Health effects of ambient particulate matter: A Canadian perspective. (ed. by J.J. Vostal ) Health Effects of Particulate Matter in Ambient Air. Air and Waste Management Association, Pittsburg, pp, 30-39. 1998
163. Rai, S.N., Krewski, D. Analysis of uncertainty and variability
in multiplicative risk models. Risk Analysis. 18:37-45, 1998.
2002 Appointed Lifetime National Associate, U.S. National Academy of Sciences
2000 Member, University of Ottawa Interfaculty Collaborative Research Initiatives
Evaluation Committee (Spring 2000)
2000 Member, Review Panel, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Child Cancer
Risk Assessment Guidelines
1999 Member, U.S. National Academy of Sciences Committee on the Biological Effects
of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR VII)
1999 Member, National Advisory Panel, Center for Children's Health and the Environment,
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
1999 Chair, Statistical Computing Panel, George Washington University/U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency Co-operative Agreement on Advancing Risk Assessment for Water
Quality Issues
1999 Member, WHO Collaborating Group on Individual Risk Assessment and Breast
1999- Chair, U.S. National Academy of Sciences Committee on Acute Exposure Guidance
Levels for Highly Hazardous Substances
1999 Chair, Toxic Substances Research Initiative Technical Review Committee
on Urban Air Quality
1999-2000 Member, Canadian Institute for Health Information Coordinating Group
for an Institute of Population Health Research within the Canadian Institutes
of Health Research
1999-2000 Chair, Harvard Center for Risk Analysis Styrene Risk Assessment Expert
1999-2000 U.S. National Academy of Sciences Committee on Grand Challenges in
Environmental Sciences
1999 Member, Ad Hoc Review Panel, U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences Division of Intramural Research Review of the Laboratory of Computational
Biology and Risk Analysis, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
1999 Member, Program Review Team, U.S. National Cancer Institute Radiation Epidemiology
1999 Member, Organizing Committee, Conference on Population Health Perspectives:
Making Research Work (Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 5-7, 1999)
1999 Discussant, Session on Income and Health, Conference on Population Health
Perspectives: Making Research Work (Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 5-7, 1999)
1999 Chairperson, Working Group on Nature of the Dose-Response Relationship
for Endocrine Active Compounds, Workshop to Evaluate Research Priorities for
Endocrine Active Compound Risk Assessment Methods (Research Triangle Park, North
Carolina, August 31 - September 1, 1999)
1999 Chairperson, Session III: The Use of Meta-Analytical Techniques in Population
Health Risk Assessment, Statistics Canada Symposium 99: Combining Data From
Different Sources (Ottawa, Ontario, May 5, 1999)
1998 Member, Johns Hopkins University Institute for Risk Studies and Public
Policy Analysis Advisory Board
1998-2003 Member, U.S. National Academy of Sciences Committee on Research Priorities
for Airborne Particulate Matter
1998-1999 Chair, Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel on the Potential Health
Risks from Radio Frequency Fields from Wireless Telecommunications Devices
1998 Rapporteur, Benzene State of the Science Workshop, sponsored by the American
Petroleum Institute, Canadian Petroleum Products Institute, Health Canada, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences, and the Western States Petroleum Association (Ottawa, December 15-16,
1998 Chairperson, Workshop on Hematoxicity Modeling, sponsored by the American
Petroleum Institute (Ottawa, December 14, 1998)
1998 Chairperson, Plenary Session on Modelling Formaldehyde Cancer Risks, Formaldehyde
Peer Review Workshop organized by Health Canada and the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (Ottawa, March 19, 1998)
1997 Guest Editor, European Journal of Cancer. Supplement on Occupational Radiation
1997 Chairperson, Ontario Ministry of Health Expert Panel to Advise the Health
Protection Branch Whether Toxigenic Moulds Constitute a Health Hazard Under
the Hazardous Products Act
1997 Member, International Joint Commission Great Lakes Water Quality Board
1997 Member, Electric Power Research Institute Working Group on Cancer Risks
of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
1997 Member, U.S. Food & Drug Administration Science Advisory Board Panel
to review the Biometry and Risk Assessment Program in the National Center for
Toxicological Research
1997 Co-chairperson, Session 13: Epidemiology and Community Studies V, International
Symposium on Health Effects of Particulate Matter in Ambient Air (Prague, Czech
Republic, May 25, 1997)
1997 Co-chairperson, Session 14: Epidemiology and Community Studies VI, International
Symposium on Health Effects of Particulate Matter in Ambient Air (Prague, Czech
Republic, May 25, 1997)
1997 Co-chairperson, Session on Approaches to Scientific Collaboration, Great
Lakes/St. Lawrence Health Conference 97 (Montreal, Quebec, May 14, 1997)
1997 Member, Steering Committee for the Colloquium on Scientific Advances and
the Future in Toxicologic Risk Assessment: 50th Anniversary of the National
Research Council's Committee on Toxicology (Washington, D.C., December 4-5,
1997 Colloquium Chair, Colloquium on Scientific Advances and the Future in Toxicologic
Risk Assessment: 50th Anniversary of the National Research Council's Committee
on Toxicology (Washington, D.C., December 4-5, 1997)
1995-1998 Member, U.S. National Academy of Sciences Committee on Toxicology