ICRASS: International Conference on Recent Advances in Survey Sampling |
J.N.K. Rao email:jrao@math.carleton.ca |
The Laboratory for Research in Statistics and Probability, Carleton University,
University of Ottawa
held a conference in honour of the work of Professor J.N.K. Rao on the occasion
of his 65th birthday.
The conferencewas held July 10th-13th, 2002
at Carleton University in Ottawa, commencing on
Wednesday morning, July 10th. The conference covered topics related
to Professor Rao's wide-ranging
research interests, particularly his interest in a broad spectrum of sampling
topics, with sessions in
Sample Surveys, Biostatistics, Time Series, and Statistical Inference.
Professor Rao has been at the forefront of research in sampling theory and
methods since 1960.
He has made fundamental contributions to the so-called classical theory of sampling,
to the foundations
of sampling during the debates of the 1960s and 70s, to a variety of aspects
of variance estimation,
to the analysis of complex survey data and to small area estimation. Over this
forty-year period his
work has been, and continues to be, at the cutting edge of research.
The Conference was sponsored by the Laboratory for Research in
Statistics and Probability, Carleton University - University of Ottawa;
the Survey Research Methods Section
of the American Statistical Association; the Fields
Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
and Statistics Canada.
"Appreciation Award to
J.N.K. Rao
in recognition of outstanding and distinguished
contributions to the effectiveness of
Statistics Canada"
Presented by David Binder, Statistics Canada
For more information please contact our Coordinator:
Gillian S. Murray, Coordinator